IRI Electronic Historical Archives

At the end of 1992 IRI entrusted Rome Research Consortium with an experimental project aimed at the development of computers and telematics technologies applied to IRI Historical Archives.

In february 1994, a meeting has been held in which the main features of the project have been reviewed and discussed:

Eventually, a work of arrangement, description and electronic management and consultation of prof. Pasquale Saraceno private collection has been carried out.

The attainments led IRI to expand its work project. IRI entrusted the Centre with the analysis of that part of IRI documents that are going to be deposite to the State Archives and with the rules of consultation by scholars and researchers, at least, by telematics means.

In connection with some Italian Universities (Rome, Florence, Naple) the Centre has carrying out an investigation of this kind of documents classification from distant places, through the Internet, using Highway information retrieval software for the reassesment of the Fond.

La realizzazione del Progetto ASEI è stata resa possibile dalla piena disponibilità e collaborazione assicurate dall'Archivio Centrale dello Stato, da parte dell'allora sovrintendente prof. Mario Serio e dei suoi collaboratori, in particolare le dott. Giovanna Tosatti e Anna Pia Bidolli.

Consulente scientifico del Progetto è il prof. Franco Bonelli.

This Project has been developed and coordinated by Enrico Rendina for the IRI and,
for the Rome Research Consoritum, by Giovanni Bruno.
This Web site has been created & manteined byMarco Rendina

Center for the Research and Development of
Historical Archives Methodologies and Applications
Salita San Nicola da Tolentino 1B - 00187 ROME
tel. +39 06 42741210 - fax +39 06 42002766

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